About St Olave’s Trust
St. Olave’s Trust was founded in the 1960s following the sale of the Mother and Baby home in Exeter. It has a Christian foundation with the Bishop of Exeter as its President.
The purpose of the Trust, as set out with the Charity Commission, is to provide financial help for ‘women and children in need’. Small one-off grants are made to women or parents who have an urgent need relating to themselves or their family.
Application for a grant can be made through this website or by letter from an appropriate professional such as a social worker, health visitor or charity staff worker currently offering support, giving brief details of the family and the current need. The Trustees meet regularly to consider requests and a response is usually given within one to two weeks but priority will be given in urgent situations.
Here are some examples of needs often supported by the Trust:
• Purchase of white goods/carpeting/furniture
• Additional childcare costs related to unexpected family illness
• Help with access visit costs
• School uniform costs where other factors have caused financial pressure
The Trust cannot give grants to pay debts.
Grants can be made directly to the supplier of the goods where appropriate or to the recipient but it is expected that the professional making the application will ensure the money is spent appropriately and that receipts are provided.
To make an application for a grant please click here.
The costs associated with the administration of the charity are, for the most part, borne by the Trustees. Donations to the charity go solely to benefit families referred to the Trustees.
For information on making a donation click here.